Welcome to my NEW Website!

Welcome to my brand spankin’ new website! New here? Let me fill you in! My name is Dina Parise but feel free to call me Spicy Meatball! I am a former Pro Figure Skater for the famed Ice Capades turned Pro Drag Racer! Let’s just say, I like to mix it up!

Ice Capades

The combination of the show skating and racing industries has fashioned me into a marketing maestro (or maven if you will).

My extensive background has created a comfortability and a love for public speaking. I am experienced in speaking as a spokesperson on behalf of companies (and charities) as well as keynote speaker. Check out the speaking tab for more information. *Speaking Tab*

As for Drag Racing, I have been off the track and out of competition for a few years due to various circumstances. Because well, life happens. Now I am working my way back! It’s a long road, but we (my husband Andrew and I) are willing to work for it.

Truck and Trailer

Truck and Trailer

Last summer we purchased a new (to us) trailer. It needed some TLC. Andrew has been a one man trailer renovation specialist! Stay tuned for updates! Lots of photos and videos to come!

Be sure to follow me on my social media accounts as well ! There I keep it light, fun, unpredictable and even educational. At the least, I can say it’s never boring! Always feel free to ask questions and comment. I run all of my social media personally, so my responses are from me!

If you would like to learn a bit about me in the meantime, be sure to hit up the Media tab. There, I have podcast interviews I have been honored to be a part of. *Media Tab*

I hope you are looking forward to following my journey as much as I am looking forward to sharing it with you!

Stay Tuned!

~Dina Parise

Spicy Meatball Logo

Keeping The ‘memory’ In Memorial Day