
Athlete’s Voices: Dina Parise Episode 11, You’ve Come A Long Way Ladies!
Athlete’s Voices is posted monthly on Double G Sports! Check them all here!http://doublegsports.com/category/other/athletes-voices/dina-parise/If you have been paying attention to earlier blogs, you have been reading the term ‘Door Slammer’. A Pro Mod is..

Athlete’s Voices: Dina Parise Episode 10, You Gotta Have Faith!
Athlete’s Voices is posted monthly on Double G Sports! Check them all here!http://doublegsports.com/category/other/athletes-voices/dina-parise/I am no stranger to the travel game. As you may remember, I traveled for many years a former skater for the Ice…

Athlete’s Voices: Dina Parise, Episode 5. From The General Lee To Monday Morning Quarterbacks!
This DPR team is not just about racing. We can be found in many places…and always having fun! My Athlete’s Voices Archive: http://doublegsports.com/category/other/athletes-voices/dina-parise/ Athlete’s Voices: Dina Parise, Episode 5. From the General Lee…

Athlete’s Voices: Dina Parise, Episode 6. Can You CTS-V Me Now?
Keeping things moving….. My Athlete’s Voices Archive: http://doublegsports.com/category/other/athletes-voices/dina-parise/ Athlete’s Voices: Dina Parise, Episode 6. Can you CTS-V Me Now? Growing up on Long Island, New York in an Italian family always had…

Athlete’s Voices: Dina Parise, Episode 7. Being Social: The Good The Bad, The Obnoxious?
This one is a doozy! Have you guessed that I do not hold back? Read on!Athlete’s Voices: Dina Parise Being Social: The good the bad, the obnoxious? (January,2014)Social : likely to seek or enjoy the company of others . Sounds easy enough, right? Well, now add…

Athlete’s Voices: Dina Parise Episode 3: Personality Vs. Performance The Bottom Line
Here is! Episode 3 of my Athlete’s Voices Column on Double G Sports If you have not read 1 and 2, please do. My Athlete’s Voices Archive: http://doublegsports.com/category/other/athletes-voices/dina-parise/ My column appears on the 20th of each month on…

Athlete’s Voices: Dina Parise-episode 1; it’s About Mental Preparation, but Don’t Forget The Stilettos!
I have been asked to write for the Athletes Voices Column on Double G Sports! I love that more peeps want to know about this amazing sport of Drag Racing and this DPR team! I hope they are ready! A bit about me joining Double G Sports.com:

Athlete’s Voices: Dina Parise Episode 2 ‘It’s All About The Journey!’
Here it is! Episode 2 of my Double G Sports Athlete’s Voices column! My Athlete’s Voices Archive: http://doublegsports.com/category/other/athletes-voices/dina-parise/ Learn what makes me and this DPR team tick! Athlete’s Voices: Dina Parise, Episode 2:…